Sunday, August 28, 2016

August 29 | Currently Reading

Last week was a much better reading week for me.

Books Read Last Week

The Gates by John Connolly
The Last One by Alexandra Oliva

I enjoyed both of these books. I'm getting so far behind in writing reviews, I'll probably skip straight to reviewing these two.

Currently Reading

I had so much fun reading The Last One that nothing sounds good to me right now. I plucked a few books off of my shelf, but I'm stuck in a funk now! I'm hoping by the time you read this I will have managed to start reading something new.

What about you? What are you reading this week? Be sure to let me know in the comments or leave me a link!

This post is being shared as part of Book Date's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


  1. The Last One sounds good to me, love that premise. I'll have to add that one. And it's amazing how much reading I can get done when the Olympics aren't on!

  2. It is always fantastic to have a specially great read, but sometimes I know it is hard to take up something else. All the best for that next one!

    1. Thanks. Funny how it's hard to recover from a good one.

  3. The Gates appear to be a fun read! Great cover. I've been busy lately, so I don't read as much as always. Will try to do better in September! Here's my link:

    1. The cover had a lot to do with me buying it. It's really great. Thankfully the story was great, too.

  4. I read The Gates a few years ago and now need to re-read it sometime as I really want to read the rest of the series. I was reading a new release last week, Curioddity, and it sort of put me in a slump. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't as good as I was hoping. I'm reading a cozy mystery now and I usually soar through them pretty quickly. Don't know what's up after that.

    1. I want to read the rest of the series, too. The Gates was a fun time.

  5. Both of these look good. Happy Reading!

  6. At least you are finishing books. I'm in a big funk called my life is too dang crazy!

    1. That was most of my summer. I hardly read a thing. I hope things even out for you soon!!

  7. Glad to hear you enjoyed The Last One! I liked it more than I expected, considering I wasn't taken in at all by its generic cover at first pass, but then when I heard what it was about, I had to give it a look. Glad I did, it was fun :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. It was fun. You are part of why I read it so thanks!!

  8. I have a copy of The Last One, glad to hear you enjoyed it so much!

    1. It was a fun read. I hope you manage to give it read, too!

  9. The Last One is actually on my TBR and I've been meaning to read it for a while! I'm glad you enjoyed it although I'm sorry about the book hangover!

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