Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Book Review | The Jersey Devil by Hunter Shea

The Jersey Devil by Hunter Shea

I think this is the first time in the history of my blog I have given a book 1 out of 10 stars. I will cut right to the chase. Around 90% in, the following description for the jersey devil was used:
"Dammit!" he cursed, aiming for the other, the one that looked like a cross between a child with Down syndrome and a goat.
Hopefully the offensiveness of that description is self-explanatory.

I tried to keep reading. I made it to 94% but I don't remember a single word past "goat".

You do what you want. The book had merits before the error of judgment, but I won't go into them here. This is the first Hunter Shea book that I've read. I will read more (unless I find more shit like I found here). As for this book, it is not one that I would ever recommend.

1/10: Forced to rate it

Review copy provided by publisher


  1. Oh this sucks, it's up next on my list. Hope I can find something redeeming about it.

  2. Ugh! That's awful. Will never read this.


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