Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Top Ten Things That Make Life as a Reader/Book Blogger Easier

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic over at The Broke and the Bookish is Top Ten Things That Make Life as a Reader/Book Blogger Easier. These are ten things I use pretty much every day.

My Library

OverDrive and OverDrive Media Console

Smart Audiobook Player

Moon+ Reader Pro








What makes your reading life easier? Do you use anything regularly that I didn't mention today?


  1. I've been seeing bookmarks pop up on lots of lists, I can't believe I didn't think of that! Good one. Thanks for stopping by my Top Ten!

  2. Thanks for your choices; a few are new to me so that help, such as Overdrive. Good list! And I so envy your beautiful library. Reminds me of one I had in Broward County years ago.

  3. YES. Smart Audiobook Player is the best $0.99 I have ever spent. Love the crap out of that app. Hahahhaha A little unintentional rhyming there. And of course I completely agree with you on Goodreads. :D

  4. Your library looks beautiful! And YES for bookmarks! I buy them every time I travel, and I'm always finding them in random places around my house. I'm not familiar with Feedly -- will need to check it out!


  5. I've never heard of Smart Audiobook player but I'm going to look it up. I use BlogLovin instead of Feedly so that is different but you know fills same need.

  6. Overdrive is a great thing to use. There are so many books that you can take out and read :) Thanks for sharing your list.

    My TTT: http://www.bookythoughtsandme.com/top-ten-tuesdays-things-that-make-your-life-as-a-blogger-easierbetter/

  7. Overdrive is a great program! I recently started using it after the audiobooksync program in the summer, and my critique partner said that that's how the library lends you audiobooks too. I haven't always been an audiobook person, but I want to listen to more now :).

    Your library is beautiful!! I'm not much of a bookmark person just because I always lose them. I'm more of a dog-ear marker, but I hear that might be a bit of a travesty in terms of bookish habits o.O.

  8. After some time with Bloglovin' I think I should have switched to feedly!


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