Monday, September 7, 2015

Happy Labor Day | Currently Reading

Happy Labor Day to those who have a Labor Day holiday today! Try not to spend all of your money at one sale. Unless it's a book sale of course.

I'm spending my day watching US Open tennis, reading, and relaxing for the first time in forever.

These are the books that I read last week, and surprisingly enough - some review links!

All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque A Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay A Nearer Moon by Melanie Crowder

A Nearer Moon by Melanie Crowder

Hopefully I will have my review out for A Nearer Moon tomorrow. It was absolutely beautiful. I loved that book.

Right now I'm in the middle of reading The Devil's Bag Man by Adam Mansbach and The Hour of the Oxrun Dead by Charles Grant. I goofed on the Mansbach book. I can't imagine for the life of me how I didn't realize it was book #2 of a series. I would probably be enjoying it more if I had realized my error sooner.

The Devil's Bag Man by Adam Mansbach The Hour of the Oxrun Dead by Charles Grant

The Hour of the Oxrun Dead was a random pull from my closet. I really need to do that more often!

What about you? What are you reading this week? Let me know in the comments or leave me a link!


  1. A Nearer Moon sounds amazing! I can't wait to read your review.

  2. Ooh, I look forward to seeing how HOUR OF THE OXRUN DEAD is - it sounds super fun! (I need to do random pulls from the TBR more often as well. There's too much good stuff that's been waiting too long for my attention!)

    1. I will try to put some thoughts together. It was a good atmospheric read. I'm definitely going to read more from the Oxrun Station series.


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