Monday, September 2, 2013

September 2 | Currently Reading

I hope everyone had a most excellent weekend. Are you off for Labor Day today? I hope you are, but if you are not, I hope your day is fabulous anyway.

Last week I posted my review of The Thirty-Nine Steps by John Buchan as well as my August reading wrap-up and my most anticipated September releases.

I finished reading The Turn of the Screw by Henry James. You know how sometimes you can read an entire page and then wonder what you just read? That was the entire book of The Turn of the Screw for me. I seriously doubt I will be writing a review for that one.

I also listened to Rick Riordan's The Sea of Monsters on audiobook.

I just finished The Sea of Monsters last night so my plan is to finish the end of The Lies of Locke Lamora before starting anything else. I have a strong feeling I will be reading The Fall of Five after that, though!

This week is the second week of US Open Tennis so it will be hard to fit in much reading. Or sleep.

Let me know what you are reading this week in the comments or leave me a link!

This post is being shared as part of Book Journey's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


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  1. I've never read The Turn of the Screw but it's one of those classics I feel I need to, ya know? Was thinking about trying it on audio... love the Percy Jackson series, it's so much fun. :)

  2. I haven't read a Percy Jackson book, but a friend of mine really enjoys them. I like the movies. LOL

    I'm currently reading a textbook for school (yay, fun lol) and Boxers - graphic novel by Gene Luen Yang

  3. I met Scott Lynch this past week - I really freaking need to read The Lies of Locke Lamora.

    1. I'm still so jealous you got to go to WorldCon! I would have loved to have met Scott Lynch - and a few others like John Hornor Jacobs. You definitely need to read Locke Lamora. :)

  4. Nice picks, there are some books up there I really want to read. I'm currently reading the Percy Jackson series as well, they must be really fun on audio!

  5. Jennifer, you have such interesting books! Okay, that sounds weird, but I swear, as you might gather from my blog name, I don't get to see a whole lot of different titles, and it always seems like you're introducing me to something new that I hadn't heard of, like The Thirty-Nine Steps by John Buchan.

    Does your experience with the Turn of the Screw = bad one? Not of the good variety when it comes to your mind being blown on the page but the ugh, I can't even get past this page type?

    How was the audiobook for The Sea of Monsters? It's been so long since I read the PJ series. Is the reading preparation or inspired by the movie adaptation out?

    Oooh, enjoy The Fall of Five! I still haven't gotten around to that series yet, but I've heard such great things o.O. Would love to see a review from you eventually too :). Maybe that'll push me to get started on it.

    I am reading... Brother, Brother. A review title. And This Song Will Save Your Life. Another review title. Still behind :(.

    1. Thanks so much Christina. I'm definitely a mood reader so my book choices are all over the place.

      Yeah - I really wasn't a fan of The Turn of the Screw. Ghosts have always been my favorite subject. I should have loved it, but I was bored. It failed to engage me enough to even remember what was happening as I was reading it. My mind was protesting and thinking about other things while I was trying to read it.

      The audiobook for Sea of Monsters was good. I read the first one in print, and I think after listening to Sea of Monsters I will go the audiobook route the rest of the way. These are fun books to begin with so the audio was very entertaining.

      I love, love, love the Lorien Legacies series. The third book was kind of meh, but I loved the first two so hard core that the third one didn't really diminish my love for the series. I haven't been able to start The Fall of Five yet. This week has been atrocious for both reading and reviewing. Too many life things eating at my reading time. :)

      Sorry you are behind, too. This is a tough time of year, I think.

  6. We have the US Open on here too. Too bad about Turn of the Shrew I hate when you read but don't really comprehend or 'get' what happened.


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