Thursday, October 31, 2013

Bookish (and not so Bookish) Thoughts {2}

Bookish (and not so Bookish) Thoughts is a random posting of what's on my mind bookish and otherwise. Sometimes 10 things, sometimes less, always hosted by Bookishly Boisterous.
  1. Simon & Schuster is creating a new science fiction, fantasy, and horror imprint. This is exciting news! I have been crying all year about the lack of full length horror in my life. I'm really happy about the SF & F, too, but I'm hoping horror gets represented early on as well. Source

  2. THIS. This is why I feel like a double agent during real life book conversations. I have to actively stop myself from being a reading one-upper. I think extreme readers can be that way to each other sometimes (I welcome it!), but it's a bit much for mere reading mortals. I try to save up all of my overly excited bookish nerdouts for you guys. You're welcome.

  3. I have a lot of mixed emotions regarding i09's Divergent article. If you've read Divergent, there's a lot worth taking in in the article, but it has minor spoilers so stay clear if you haven't read it and are concerned. There is a telling quote from Director Neil Burger: "I think the book is really true to the essence of the script" Um, what? Don't you have that BACKWARD? The rest of the quote is spoilerish so I will let you read it there, but I really don't have a good feeling behind the changes they have made. There is a reason I have been championing Lionsgate making these films. Saving up the difficult bits of the book for the end isn't it. On the other hand, Four.

  4. It's Halloween! My son's school had a "spooktacular" Halloween program this week. It was awesome. Watching him do Thriller on stage was one of the highlights of my life. Unfortunately he got sick after we got home from the program so along with the threat of heavy rainfall, our Halloween plans hang in the balance!

  5. J.J. Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan (who wrote The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi) will be writing the scripts for the Star Wars sequels! This is really great news. Every announcement that has made since Disney acquired Star Wars has been better than the last.

  6. Amazon implemented Kindle Matchbook this week. Have you looked to see how many books are available for you to match? When Amazon did something similar with music CD purchases, my Kindle cloud was filled with so much awesome music for free. I had visions of suddenly owning my favorite books in eformat, but all I got was a mediocre list of ebooks I could buy at $2.99. Let's be honest, that's how much I usually pay for my ebooks (or less) unless it's a pre-order I can't live without. I'm hoping there are folks benefiting from Matchbook much more than I did.

  7. The books for World Book Night have been selected. Are any of you signing up to be book givers? My top choices from the list are Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs, and Presumed Innocent by Scott Turow.

  8. I've hardly read a thing this week. I'm in the middle of two awesome books, but I can't muster up the brain power to pick up either one! I find when I get really stressed I can't focus on the story; I just wind up staring at the pages not knowing what I've read. I think I may just try to catch up on some sleep for a couple of days.

  9. I'm moving soon so I've been packing up all of my books. It has been really hard to box up the books I wish I were reading right now. I actually had to leave out a couple I haven't started yet JUST IN CASE.

  10. If you need some awesome music to listen to for Halloween, The 99 Darkest Pieces Of Classical Music is one of my favorites. I will be listening to it all day today.



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  1. Happy Halloween :)

    I'm looking forward to seeing what Simon & Schuster do with their new imprint (hopefully awesome things!)

    Good luck with your move! Packing books is always difficult, but at least unpacking them at the other end will be fun!

  2. I like the idea of Matchbooks scheme - let's hope it improves. There have been a handful of times when I've enjoyed an e-book so much that I decided I needed a hard copy on my shelf. Which some people thinks defeats the purpose of an e-reader... But reading-lovers can totally understand.

  3. Happy Halloween. I loved this post. So much info in it that I didn't know. Thanks!

  4. That's really exciting news about Simon & Schuster! I had no idea they were doing this--looking forward to whatever titles they come out with :)

    Hope you had a fun Hallowe'en! :)

  5. If South Africa participated in World Book Night, I would give Bridge to Terabithia! I love that book (and I haven't read the other two yet).

  6. Congratulations, you got nominated for the Liebster Award. check out his link:

  7. I would love to see your son doing Thriller...any recording of it? And you're moving soon? Didn't you just renovate? I wish you luck with the move. I like the choices you are doing for World Book Night. I will probably do it again too. Thanks for the post!

  8. I'm actually a little concerned about the Lawrence Kasdan thing. Yes, he's produced a lot of top-notch work (I believe even the western "Silverado" was his), but I wonder if he's not past his expiration date a little bit. I was excited when they announced they had the screenwriter from Toy Story III. Although he might not have had the Star Wars pedigree of, that guy was on top of his game. I guess maybe I'm suffering from LOTR/Hobbit deception. They had talked about getting Guillermo del Toro to direct until Jackson stepped back in. At first I thought the Jackson return was a good thing...but the movie didn't quite blow me away like I was hoping. Awwww...who knows? I'm just glad a new Star Wars film is coming out!

  9. I haven't signed up for WBN yet, but I think Road to Terabithia will be my first pick!


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