Monday, October 28, 2013

Republic of Thieves | Read-along Part I

If you aren't reading or haven't read The Republic of Thieves (the third book in Scott Lynch's Gentleman Bastard series), you probably don't want to read this post. Spoilers are sure to run rampant here. If you'd like to join in, you can find the read-along schedule here or feel free to jump in in the comments and let me know your thoughts!

My initial thoughts regarding The Republic of Thieves is how much easier of a read this book is versus the previous two. Is it just me? It's possible I'm getting used to Lynch's style and I do already know the characters, but there seems to be a change in how well the story flows.

  1. We get to reminisce with several old friends in this section - Carlo, Galdo, Chains. How did you like this? Bitter sweet or happy dance?

    Happy dance! At first I thought oh no, more interludes..., but I actually love the interludes right now. I love the old friends, and I love Sabetha, but I'm probably getting ahead of us here.

  2. Finally, the infamous Sabetha makes a physical appearance, albeit in Locke's reminisces. What are your impressions? How do you think the romance, if there is to be one, will play out?

    I adore how smitten Locke is with Sabetha. I am loving the interaction between those two (and Chains). I'm not sure that anything romantic will ever come of their relationship, but we do already know they are with each other as Gentlemen Bastards for a significant amount of time. At this point, Sabetha is starting to warm up to Locke. "Not today, at any rate," she said softly.

    How do you guys feel about the scheme where Locke thought Sabetha had been kidnapped? I have mixed emotions about it. The Bastards are fiercely loyal, and to me a scheme like that would dissolve so much trust. I do see it as a moment that will shape who Locke is, though. I WILL NEVER LOSE AGAIN!

  3. After trying absolutely everything to save Locke, Jean still won't give up. What did you think of that little pep talk he gave Locke concerning Patience's offer of healing?

    Wow. Jean made a strong point by using the image of Ezri burning so that they could live. Locke's reaction was immediate.

  4. Locke has a few caveats to working for the Bondsmage. Wise or just Locke grasping for some control over his life? What would you ask Patience?

    It's definitely wise for Locke to make the terms of their agreement absolutely clear. Those damn Bondsmagi pop up wherever and in whomever they want. I wouldn't want to be in their debt. I'm surprised Locke will have answers at his beck and call, but that will be a great asset for him. I, personally, would ask questions about magic. There are plenty of powers I would like to yield.

  5. At the end of this section, we see that all is not as Patience laid it out. How much do you think Patience knows of the plot to off Locke and Jean? Do you see it interfering in the rigged election?

    I don't know what to think about Patience. My first reaction is that she is unaware, but we are talking Bondsmagi here. Also, can we bring up the fact that she's the Falconer's mother? This whole Patience thing is a lot for me to wrap my head around.

Be sure to check out the rest of today's read-along posts here.


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  1. The interludes are great in this story. I loved them. Still sad about the loss of these characters but it is lovely to spend time with them again.
    Sabetha I can't make my mind up about and I can't really put my finger on why that is just yet. Locke is certainly besotted - I want to shake him a little bit though!
    Aww poor Jean, and Ezri - such a touching scene, brought a tear to my eye. Brought Locke to his senses as well so alls good.
    Good point about Patience - I wasn't sure whether she knew or not but at the end of the day I don't suppose she got five bands on her wrist through being gullible.
    Lynn :D

  2. I am torn on which part I am liking better right now, the interludes or the present plot line. Love looking at the past with all the little Bastards! ha.

  3. Ok, the scene where Sabetha has been "captured", and Locke has to give her "poison', all I can think of the Kobayashi Maru test that Capt Kirk went through. now, there is a whole ton of canon/not canon stuff behind that one, but it's a fun plotty thing to play with. it's not the no-win situation that's interesting, but how a character reacts to it, how it changes that person's worldview. Would Locke be not as obsessed with winning at any cost had Sabetha not gotten "captured"?

    I like your answer to #3. It's like if Locke gives up now, Ezri died for nothing.

    Yeah, the Patience thing is a whole left turn, isn't it!

  4. I'm of two minds with the interludes. While I think they're really entertaining... Locke was dying of poison! I wanted to read the past and present stories simultaneously, I guess :). I wonder if the flashback to the Sabetha 'kidnapping' scene was to emphasize how badly Locke is doing, that he had at this point completely given up on his overdramatic childish promise. It's a good thing Jean got him to start trying again! And with Patience... yeah. I mean, even if a mother and son are estranged, one would think that the mother would be at least a little angry with someone torturing her son to insanity (even if she thinks he deserved it).

  5. That "I will never lose again!" seems for me to have echoed through all the books so far and is echoing through Locke's future as well. It was such a well written scheme and so well described that I feel we'll be thinking of that phrase throughout all the books to come.

  6. I loved the interludes in this book! It felt like getting two stories at once, while still getting an interesting 'big picture' look at the Gentlemen Bastards, or what's left of them. Flashback-style stories can easily get me rolling my eyes a lot, but Lynch avoids that pitfall well.

  7. That Sabetha kidnap scene was intense, but I think the Locke-Chains conversations about the kidnap were even more intense. I think the lesson could be two fold for Locke, if he gives it enough thought. Of course, there is his little boy gut reaction to never lose again, but then there is also the fact that Chains set up this little scheme with only partial information - he did not know that Locke had known Sabetha before, and had already thought he had lost her once.

    I bet things are complicated for Patience as the Falconer's mother. So I have to wonder what all her reasons are for hiring Jean & Locke. Should be interesting.

  8. 1. The interludes were one of the things that drew me into the first book, so I am very happy to see them again.

    3. Locke is rather thoughtless at times and so self-centered that he forgets that other people have problems as well. This was a real slap in the face for him, but at least it worked.


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