Monday, October 14, 2013

October 14 | Currently Reading

I took a bit of a blogging break last week. One (out of a list of many) reason I can't read ALL THE BOOKS is because I spend time blogging about them. Last week I really just wanted to focus on reading so that's exactly what I did.


Doctor Sleep by Stephen King

Doctor Sleep was a pretty weird read, but I liked it a lot. As a sequel to one of my favorite books of all time (The Shining), I'm satisfied and happy.

Darla's Story by Mike Mullin

Darla's Story is part of Mike Mullin's Ashfall series. We got to experience the Yellowstone supervolcano in Ashfall through Alex's point of view. Darla's Story lets us see the eruption through Darla's POV which is just awesome. I love when authors give us such wonderful gifts. I have to say, though, Darla had it way easier than Alex

The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan

The Titan's Curse is book 3 of the Percy Jackson series. Even though these books really are fun, and I'm enjoying listening to them on audio... this may be my last Percy Jackson. I feel kind of like I'm just going through the motions with these.


Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie

In my effort to continue shirking responsibility, I scrapped everything I had lined up and started reading Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie. I'm glad I'm such a rebel because I'm loving Ancillary Justice so far. It's pretty much blowing my mind right now.

I'm also continuing on with Anthology Month this week with Inherit the Dead. It's a great anthology for thriller lovers.

I hope you guys are reading what you love and loving what you are reading this week. I'd love to hear what you are reading. Be sure to let me know in the comments or leave me a link!

This post is being shared as part of Book Journey's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


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  1. I loved Doctor Sleep. I was really nervous about reading it, but once I got into it, it felt perfect. It was a little weird, and many times scared me, but I loved it. :)

  2. I really enjoyed Doctor Sleep too - although the beginning was a little weird, I got into it.

    Tanya Patrice

  3. I thought Doctor Sleep was great, and I'm looking forward to Darla's Story too!


  4. I'm glad you decided to read instead of blogging. Isn't that at the heart of it all? I am going to be laying low this week too, due to a flare up of my disability, though I decided to plow through some blogs today because I love checking in on Mondays.
    Glad you enjoyed Doctor Sleep. I didn't get it yet, but will sometime in future. I had heard of the Ashfall series. Good to hear that it is enjoyable even as it progresses along. Enjoy the rest of your week.

    1. I agree, Rita, that is the heart of it all. I love checking in on Mondays, too. It's my favorite blogging day.

  5. Do I need to have read The Shining to enjoy Doctor Sleep? I read The Shining like 15 years ago, and only vaguely remember it. Should I reread before picking up the new King?

    I've heard really good things about Ancillary Justice, that's one I need to pick up soon. So many books I want to read, so little time!

    this week I'm reading Three Days to Never by Tim Powers, and it's awesome.

    1. Nope! I read The Shining that long ago, too. I don't think you need to read The Shining at all, really, but you are definitely good to go having read it that long ago.

  6. I'm still on the waiting list at the library for Doctor Sleep. Excited to read it!
    Kim @ Bookmark To Blog

  7. Goodness you're so much more braver than I am! I wish I was still into scary books but now I'm just a big sissy!

    Check out what I read this week!

  8. I just got Inherit the Dead on audio and am looking forward to listening.

  9. How is Ancillary Justice so far? I was thinking of picking that one up.

  10. That's one King book I have never heard of-I'll have to check it out! I love that you are reading the Percy Jackson books, I started them this year and like them a lot.

  11. I'm finishing up Doctor Sleep today! Enjoying it but still nothing like The Shining. Really loved that one. :)
    I had NO idea that Darla's Story was out and ready to read.. I've apparently been living under a rock.
    Aw, that's too bad about the Percy Jackson series. Once you get to the Heroes of Olympus spin-off series they get super good. I'm not sure if it's super necessary to read before jumping into them though. Going to be reading House of Hades soon!
    Bonnie @ For the Love of Words


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