Monday, October 21, 2013

October 21 | Currently Reading

I went to the dollar store yesterday and they had their bargain books 90% off. I need more TIME in my day to read all the things.

Last week I posted my experiences with Neil Gaiman and my thoughts on The Ocean at the End of the Lane. That's pretty much all of the blogging I accomplished. I'm in a weird place trying to change how I blog but not knowing how to execute it. I may post more about that that this week.

Last week I finished reading Charlotte's Web.

I was not expecting Charlotte's Web to become one of my favorite books all of time, but it did and it is. If you have never read Charlotte's Web - even if you have seen the movies - please find the time to read it.

I also read James Dashner's new book The Eye of Minds. It was a great unexpected read, too.

This week I am still reading Red Seas Under Red Skies. I'm also hoping to fit in Insurgent since I'm at the front of the hold list for Allegiant and I don't want to be a complete bitch to the 94 folks in line behind me.

That's it for me. Will you be reading Allegiant this week? I'd love to hear what you are reading! Be sure to let me know in the comments or leave me a link.

This post is being shared as part of Book Journey's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


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  1. I loved Charlotte's Web....such an adorable story. It is one of my favorites.

    Looks like you had a good week. ENJOY this week.

    I am reading THE SWEETEST HALLELUJAH...almost done. It is good.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

  2. Charlotte's Web is such a tear jerker!! I remember reading it as a kid and sobbing! Charlotte A. Cavatica is truly one of the best characters ever in children's lit.

  3. Oh, I love Charlotte's Web! I think for a lot of kids, it's the 1st experience they have of crying over a fictional character!

    I still haven't read Divergent, so I guess I should get on that. I saw an announcement about the author coming to town for an appearance for the release of Allegiant -- and she'll be speaking in a theater that seats about 1,000 people! I knew the series was popular, but I didn't realize it was THAT popular!


  4. Oh, Charlotte's Web! :*) That was one of my all time favorites when I was a kid. I had a box set of CW, Stuart Little, and The Trumpet of the Swans. I read them over and over, but especially Charlotte. Sigh...such a great book and I'm sure I'd still weep like a crazy person at the end. So glad you loved it!

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  6. It's been ages since I read CHARLOTTE'S WEB. Ages!

    I haven't read DIVERGENT yet at all. I do have both of the first two books in hand so I guess I need to get to it. (Ah, book hoarding at its best.)

  7. I read Charlotte's Web as a kid, not expecting to like it, but actually did. It got me thinking and it was sad too... I remember talking to my parents about it. So yeah good memory there.

    You're probably already seen it but Gaiman's speech on libraries and reading was awesome. Don't have a link handy at moment but I saw it on Lark's blog The Bookwyrm's Hoard... worth checking out if you haven't already seen it.

  8. I'm excited for Allegiant to finish off the trilogy, but sadly, I probably won't be reading it anytime soon.

    Tanya Patrice

  9. Hey Jennifer! I recently bought Divergent on Kindle because it was on sale so I look forward to reading that before Insurgent. I don't think I ever read Charlotte's Web. :O But I should.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Ellen @ Glamorous Book Lounge

  10. Charlotte's Web was one of my all-time favorite kids books. :)
    Gosh, I still need to read Insurgent too. Told myself I'd just wait until the last book came out since I had heard Insurgent suffered a bit as far as middle-book syndrome.

  11. As we discussed on Twitter, I would like to change the way I blog as well. I have been writing shorter reviews if I don't really have a lot to say. I find that's making the experience a bit easier. I'm not forcing it or trying to make the review longer "just because." Sometimes more is less. : )


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